About Us
An executive with comprehensive experience in non-profit/for profit administration, Ron Mulvihill is experienced in developing, implementing and revitalizing various housing projects with an eye for innovative housing alternatives. With a proven ability in raising funds through grants, events, multiple sources, donors and investors, Ron is a long time advocate of innovative housing and has been influenced and mentored by pioneers and visionaries in the arenas of building and ending homelessness. As a passionate housing advocate utilizing his communications, PR, multi-media and community organizing skills he has helped implement 'forward thinking' and best practice housing strategies for those experiencing homelessness. Ron is the former Housing Director and longtime Board Member of St. Vincent de Paul, Los Angeles, where he co-developed:
As a current Board Member for AfterHomes Foundation and drawing from his experience as a previous co-chair for the Ventura County Continuum of Care Housing and Services Committee, and the Ventura Social Services Task Force Housing and Shelter Committee, as Director of Marketing for AfterHomes Foundation, Ron continues to be an active advocate for the homeless and a community liaison for affordable alternative housing solutions. Ron has received numerous awards and citations of recognition including Housing Works' Hero Award. In 2016, as a Consultant for the City of Oxnard he authored "Feasible Alternatives to the National Guard Armory Winter Shelter for this Winter and Long Term Solutions Beyond 2016." |
Professional Affiliations/Advocacy Ventura Social Services Task Force Oxnard Services Providers Prisoner Resettlement Ventura County Continuum of Care Oxnard Chamber of Commerce No Room At The Inn Community Action of Ventura County One Stop Ventura County Turning Point Salvation Army Project Understanding Lutheran Social Services Samaritan Center H2H ONE LA-IAF Homes For All, Ventura Red Cross Conference Presentations 'Collaborating with Faith Based Non-Profits' - Community Action Western Conference. San Diego - April, 2015 'Innovation Housing Solutions' - Ventura County HOME Conference, October, 2014 & August 2015 ‘There’s No Place Like Home’ – Ventura County Senior Summit, Housing Innovations Presentation, November 2015 Awards Housing Works 'Hero Award' – 2009 (for housing 20 Homeless individuals) Los Angeles City Council Recognition for Family Housing in Hollywood from Council members Eric Garcetti and Tom LaBonge - 2012 Oxnard Chamber of Commerce Best Non-Profit Recognition SVDP - 2015 Board of Supervisors County of Ventura Dedicated Service Recognition 2015 – Senior Summit |
Publications and Studies
Feasible Alternatives to the National Guard Armory Winter Shelter for this Winter and Long-term Solutions Beyond 2016
Feasibility Study on Shipping Container Construction for Affordable Housing - 2015
Organized and convened SVDP's National Housing Project Forum (15 states participated).
Co-developed ONE LA-IAF Principle Reduction US Treasury Approved Foreclosure Prevention Plan.
Coordinated UCLA Urban Planning Feasibility Study for SVDPLA campus.
Coordinated Poverty Simulation Presentation.
Ahmanson Foundation Grant - 2012
CHS Opening New Doors Institute Grant - 2012
CHS Corporation for Supportive Housing Capacity Building Grant - 2013
Lennar Charitable Housing Foundation Grant 2012 & 2015
Feasible Alternatives to the National Guard Armory Winter Shelter for this Winter and Long-term Solutions Beyond 2016
Feasibility Study on Shipping Container Construction for Affordable Housing - 2015
Organized and convened SVDP's National Housing Project Forum (15 states participated).
Co-developed ONE LA-IAF Principle Reduction US Treasury Approved Foreclosure Prevention Plan.
Coordinated UCLA Urban Planning Feasibility Study for SVDPLA campus.
Coordinated Poverty Simulation Presentation.
Ahmanson Foundation Grant - 2012
CHS Opening New Doors Institute Grant - 2012
CHS Corporation for Supportive Housing Capacity Building Grant - 2013
Lennar Charitable Housing Foundation Grant 2012 & 2015